‘I really should be going home.’ I got up. Jenn was still hanging on the couch.
‘What time is it?’
‘Half past one. Gotta go to work in the morning.’ Her eyes opened.
‘Yeah. You should go home. But…’
‘Another wine? Really?’
‘Come on. You don’t turn 21 every day.’
‘I don’t. Because, you know, it’s already past midnight. It’s not my birthday anymore.’
‘Still, you’re not 21 and one day every day either. It’s just once.’
‘I know. But if I used that excuse every time, I wouldn’t have a job anymore.’
‘Like me.’ That was stupid of me.
‘It’s okay. I don’t mind. Little bit of money would be nice. But I have time to think.’ Right… Jenn and thinking.
‘What are you thinking about?’ She opened a curtain and looked through.
‘There are so little stars out there.’
‘With the lights and everything. You see less than half of the stars that are really out there, you know.’
‘I did know, actually. But hey, I really should go.’ I turned around.
‘I want to sleep.’
‘Me too.’
I mean, I want to sleep for thousands and thousands of years. In a
space ship bound for the stars. So that I can reach them, you know.
‘Cause it’s too far, I’d be dead if I didn’t sleep.’
‘Aren’t those stars, like, already dead? The light travels, right?’
‘I know. And it makes me sad.’
‘Wait… are you crying?’
‘No. Yes.’
‘Why? It isn’t all bad, is it?’
‘Is it weird to want that?’
‘Want what?’
‘To fly away. To sleep and sleep until there’s nothing left. Is it weird to cry about light?’
‘Don’t lie, Esther.’
‘Jenn, are you okay?’
‘Are you?’
‘I don’t know. It’s half past one in the morning. And I need to go. I’m sorry, I need to go.’ This time I made it to the door.
‘I don’t want to die.’
‘Jenn… what? You’re not going to.’
am. You too. I never get to see the stars. And that’s sad. There is
just so much out there. And I will never get to see it. The night sky
changes, you know. Stars die, their light too. I wish I could be frozen,
in a glass coffin. Waiting, waiting, until everything has changed. I
want to see that.’
‘Jenn, seriously, are you okay?’
‘No. I’m drunk.’ She sighed. ‘Just go. Okay?’
‘I can stay.’
‘No, you need to go to work in the morning. I’m sorry.’I went back to the couch and took her in my arms.
‘I just want you to be okay. Okay?’
She nestled closer. Through the curtains I could see the sky.
know, I think I understand. Stars make me feel so afraid. It’s really
silly. But it’s… because I’m so tiny. Makes me want to do something with
my life, you know? I mean, I’m 21. I could do so much. But I’m not
doing anything. Because I never think of a day as special, a day is just
a day, you know? Jenn? Jenn?’
She was asleep.
The second Wordplay challenge I did. This time the challenge was dialogue, so I tried to write good dialogue (which isn't easy by the way). Not sure if I succeeded, let me know what you think!
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